Tuesday, June 28, 2011

8 months

Well we thought when Jack turned 8 months he would be recovering from his first open heart surgery.  But, due to an emergency for Dr Douglas the night before they had to cancel.  And that was ok.  I would much rather have a fresh team working on my baby's heart!  I am much more calm about it approaching than I was compared to last week.  It  still is the hardest thing to think about having to let him go through this.  If I could take his place I would.  We are so thankful for all the prayers and kind words from everybody.  A special thanks to those of you who gave blood too.  Even if Jack doesn't get to use your blood we are so blessed that you chose to give in his name. 

I am happy to say that my tummy time hater has finally learned to roll to his tummy!  I didn't think he ever would.  I am glad he learned to do it prior to surgery, before he has a healing incision influencing him to stay supine. Funny thing is, he has been rolling to his tummy for awhile but couldn't quite figure out how to get his arm out from under him, so he would just roll back to his back.  The day he was supposed to have surgery is the day it finally clicked for him.  Now he constantly is rolling around.  (I just realized writing this blog, I don't even have a video yet...Guess we will do that today :)

He can shake his head No-no-no.  For about 2 days he would nod his head yes, but now he only does it sometimes.  

Jack likes to converse in razzing now.  All day everyday. 

Jack is eating all sorts of food now.  He loves to eat!  He thinks if we are eating so should he.  He eats baby food and pretty much whatever I can mash up off my plate. Jacks favorite... Avacado.  I hope that he will be a healthy eater as he grows too.

His jumper is still on of his favorite toys.  He gets so excited playing.  We laugh everytime we watch him in the jumper.  I am dreading putting it away for his 6 week recovery. We just might have to rig something around him so he isn't throwing himself all around and hitting his healing chest.

He loves bathtime and hates if I get him out too fast.  He will sit there and play with his toys forever.  It is so fun to watch him try to figure out new things.  If he has a toy in each hand, you can see the concentration in his face trying to figure out how he is going to get that toy that is floating by. 

He loves reading books.  Most nights before bed we read a story from his little bible and then another book.  His favorite book is "On the Night you were Born."  He gets so excited when I start reading it!  He will sit and listen to the whole thing. 

The night before surgery was scheduled we went to Build-A-Bear to build Jack's first little bear.  It was so perfect.  It has a stitched heart on it, and his name is Champ.  It couldn't be more perfect. 

Jack's favorite song... I love you this big, by Scotty McCreery.  His daddy sings it to him and when it comes on he just stops and looks.

His little laugh always brightens my day.

Today we are just hanging out enjoying our fun little "Jumping Jack." Lol, actually right now his is jumping on my lap and trying to help me type.  I know that he will be back to himself in no time.  I know that everything has happened in God's perfect timing.  Last week preparing for surgery I was a wreck to say the least.  I was so anxious and would just bust out in tears at random times thinking about it.  This week, although I am still a little nervous for Jackson, I have peace that I just can't explain.  Last night Doyle's dad gave me something that just further confirmed it in my heart.  His mom and dad get the little monthly devotional called "Daily Word." It always seems to have the perfect words at the perfect time. The day after Jackson was born we read the devotional for Jack's birthday:

October 24, 2010


I trust God to protect me and everyone I care about.

I am a creation of God, as are my loved ones.  When I trust that we are protected by God's presence, I am calm, secure and poised to make wise choices. 
    God has given me and all others love and safety, along with the desire and capacity to growth. Growth challenges us to go outside our comfort zones, beyond the familiar.  Anytime I face and uncertain outcome, I know every opportunity for transformation is supported by the protecting presence of God. 
   I trust God to protect me and everyone I care about, because nothing can separate us from God.  I relax and make wise choices, helping others to make wise choices as well. 
    You who live in the shelter of the Most High,... will say to the Lord, "my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1,2

It couldn't have been more perfect for us right then.  Last Tuesday night our families came over to pray over Jackson.  Last night Doyle Sr. told me that he looked at the devotional that day and was so dissappointed when he read it and it was about world peace. After the surgery was rescheduled he read forward to this weeks devotionals.  Todays totally brings me comfort in knowing how big my God is and that He cares about us so much. 

June 28, 2011


Peace fills my heart as I rest in the comforting presence of God. 

     My idea of comfort may have changed over the years.  As a child, I may have found comfort in a special blanket or a hug from a parent or a loved one.  As a young adult, I have found comfort in the lyrics of a favorite song or time spent with friends who shared my interests and values. 
    While all of these things may still bring comfort, my awareness of God's presence fills me witha comfort that knows no bounds.  In quiet moments, I experience "the peace of God, which surepasses all understanding," a peace that assures me I am never alone.  This peace, this comfort, gives me hope and strength and the assurance that God is with me, now and always.

    This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life.  Psalm 119:50

For tomorrow...

June 29, 2011


I am grateful for my body and the blessign of life.

     When I am not feeling my best physically, I take the opportunity to lovingly envision my body infused with divine light.  Gratefully, I bless my bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which support me and allow me freedom of movement.  Silently, I bless the intricate systems that digest my food, circulate oxygen in my blood, transmit my sense experiences, and provide for my protection.
    My body is continuously supporting, repairing and renewing itself in amazing ways.  My body responds with energy and vitality as I fill my mind with thoughts of gratitude and blessing. 
    Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

So please continue to pray for Jackson and our family.  I look forward to blogging about his recovery! 

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