Thursday, December 9, 2010

6weeks Update

Jackson is now 6 weeks old and weighs 9lbs 6oz.  He is starting to get those cute little baby rolls.  He doesn't miss a meal!  He loves playing on his mat and having tummy time.  He is getting really good at lifting his head and turning it side to side when he is on his tummy.  I love the morning time with him when he really starts jabbering.  Those baby sounds are just so precious. 

This week we visited the cardiologist, Dr Quinones. Jack is doing good but we are anticipating that he will need to have a shunt (Blalock-Taussig or B-T shunt) put in to help prolong the open heart surgery that they plan at about 1 year old.  We go back to the doctor Jan 4 to have another ECHO done to see if the pulmonary artery is still getting smaller.  Dr Quinones also started him on a medication called Propranolol.  This medication affects the contractility of the heart.  Because of the Subpulmonic  Stenonis (narrowing) less blood is able to get through the pulmonary artery.  He hopes that this medication will help to relax that a little bit and allow more blood flow through the artery to the lungs to be oxygenated.  Jack's oxygen levels are in the 70's (normal is 90's) which he says is ok for him. It freaks the nurse in me out.  His color does not reflect low oxygen levels and he does not act like it either.  Dr Quinones said Jack never has seen normal levels and the body adapts. He is growing right on target. The shunt procedure will bring his oxygen levels up to the 80's.  The shunt will go from the Subclavian vein to the Pulmonary Artery, so more blood can get to the lungs to be oxygenated to go out to the body. They just want to prolong the Rastelli procedure (the corrective) until he gets bigger since they have to use the conduit.  The bigger he is for the first time, the bigger conduit they can put in, which means the longer it can last. 

Please continue to keep Jack in your prayers.  I hope everyone has a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year!

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