Toys, yes.... Food, sometimes....RSV, absolutely not!
We were only home about a week when Jack started with nasty congestion and cough. Knowing that RSV is spreading bad this year it really concerned me that that is what he had. RSV is a respiratory virus that for most of us is just a "cold," but for kids under 2 especially less than 1 it can be very serious. The mucus is so thick and it makes it very difficult to breathe because of the restricted airways. I was really anxious for Luke to get sick. I was obsessively washing jacks and my hands, Lysol-ing, and even changing my shirt if I had held Jack. I don't think I could have done anything more. Despite all my efforts though little Luke still ended up with it. It was just a little congestion the first day. Day 2 I took him to the dr to see if there was anything I needed to do besides saline and suctioning at this point. He was still eating good and no respiratory distress so no further measures. 2 days later his breathing was much more labored with retractions. I took him to the urgent care and they sent us to the ER because of his age.
They started Luke on antibiotics and breathing treatments. We spent 4 days in the hospital for luke to be monitored. Praise God he never needed any breathing or feeding assistance.
It never felt better to be discharged as it did after 4 days in isolation.
It's so nice to be back at home and enjoying my family all together again.